Our Expertise

Our Expertise

Dr Vivek N. Yelgaonkar (Founder)

Doctorate in Physics (Isotope Tracer Techniques in Studies on Flow Dynamics) with more then 40 years of experience. He has got expertise inGas and liquid flow rate measurement in pipelines, Mixing studies in blenders and vessels, Leak and blockage detection in underground pipelines, Mercury inventory in caustic soda cells, Neutron backscatter level gauging, column scanning .

Tracer applications in secondary recovery of oil which includes design of a tracer test, injection, sampling, enrichment of the samples, counting of the samples in liquid scintillation counter, data analysis, interpretation of the results . Residence time distribution study in various vessels like, oxidation reactor of a pure-terphthalic acid production plant, heat exchangers in petrochemical plants, aniline production reactor, sugar cane juice evaporator, pre-calcinator in cement factory, glass furnace, etc .

Effluent dispersion study in surface waters . Sediment transport study on the seabed . He has worked for Isotope Applications Division of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India.

Mr. Vinay G. Deshpande (Founder)

Mechanical Engineer with more than 25 years of experience. He has got very good exposure in Sulphuric acid plant i.e Design engineering, erection and execution with Material purchase, procurement, Management, Inventory, Progress report for the project co-ordination with client, vendors and different project managers. He has worked for Poseidon Engineering Consultant as a Project Manager.

Industrial Diagnostic Services ( ids INDIA) was established in 2018 in Navi Mumbai and provides Engineering, Design & Consulting services, troubleshooting the various problem in the areas of Oil and Gas, Refineries, Petrochemical and chemical industries,.
