Gamma Column Scanning

Online Gamma Scanning of Column

Auto-Column-Scanner is in use in the field

Malfunctioning distillation column can result in a large financial loss due to off-spec product, loss of production or unexpected shut down of the plant.

How to troubleshoot?

  • Gamma - Ray Scanning is a most convenient, cost- effective, fast, efficient, and non-intrusive technique to examine inner details of a column, while it is in online operation.

Column scanning allows an engineer to study tray or packing hydraulics inside a column at any set of online condition. It provides essential data to optimise the performance of vessels, extend column run times, track the performance-deteriorating effects of fouling and solids deposition, and identify maintenance requirements well in advance of scheduled turnarounds.

This on-line knowledge can reduce repair downtime significantly. By analysing the scanning results, a number of common malfunctions in trayed or packed bed vessels can be determined.

Can be used to

  • Assess hydraulic performance using relative density differences
  • Debottleneck columns and units
  • Monitor response to operating changes
  • Pre-turnaround detection of tray and packing replacements
  • Verify placement of trays, packed beds and distributors
  • Evaluate the quality of liquid phase distribution
  • Evaluate tray froth heights
  • Detect mechanical, rate and process related problems
  • Detect fouled or crushed packing, overflowing distributor and collector trays, flooding foaming or vapour induced maldistribution

Crude Distillation Tower

Height 44 m
Diameter 4.3 m
Insulation thk. 100 mm
Single wall thk 25 mm
Number of trays 55
Tray spacing 686 mm
Tray weir height 51 mm
Temperature 360o C
Pressure 4.218 kg/cm2
Auto-column-scanner is in use in the field

Industrial Diagnostic Services ( ids INDIA) was established in 2018 in Navi Mumbai and provides Engineering, Design & Consulting services, troubleshooting the various problem in the areas of Oil and Gas, Refineries, Petrochemical and chemical industries,.
